The portal is governed by the Canary Islands Law 12/2014 of 26 December, on Transparency and Access to Public Information. Through the portal you can access all the public information of this entity:
-Functional aspects:
The organisation basically consists of three areas: commercial, technical and administrative; all closely related. A small, highly experienced structure allows the company to adapt quickly to the ups and downs of the sector and business innovations. This adaptability is the result of a very restrictive personnel policy, where human resources are hired by service location in each port or place of work, this being a very common practice by the leaders of the sector, directing a large percentage of their resources to commercial management.
CanaryTrack is part of this network of resources at European level and, in turn, uses them to expand its area of influence. Leading companies in the sector such as REDCAI or FURUNO Spain have generated service agreements with CanaryTrack to cover the Canary Islands and Africa.
-Applicable regulations:
Any company or natural person carrying out any service of installation, maintenance or repair of marine radio equipment on a ship must have an authorisation granted by the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy, which will keep a register of such companies. The provisions for the constitution of such a company can be found in Royal Decree 1185/2006, of 16 October.
CanaryTrack & Electronics S.L. is a company authorised by the Directorate General of Merchant Marine since 2007 to carry out installation, repair and maintenance services of all radio equipment, which are installed or are likely to be installed on ships sailing in maritime waters of Zones A1 - A4. Registered under No. M120070043.
-Functions and competences:
CANARYTRACK & ELECTRONICS is a company dedicated to the "Installation, repair and maintenance of naval electronic systems and radioelectric inspections. Sales and after-sales of naval electronics".
It aims to ensure that the quality of the services it offers reflects the expectations of each client, thus ensuring the long-term success of the company. And for this reason, and by the consistent desire of the Management of CANARYTRACK & ELECTRONICS, a Quality System has been implemented in the organisation based on the requirements established by the current European standard, UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015.
The purpose of the Quality Management System is customer satisfaction, thanks to the fulfilment of the established requirements, within the established deadlines and prices, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements. To this end, the quality system has the following objectives:
- To know the totality of the company's resources, as well as its capacities, thus allowing the planning of works and interdepartmental coordination of the company and thus achieving an increase in customer satisfaction.
- To manage the correct execution of the work, carrying it out correctly the first time, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses in modifications and/or repairs.
- To train personnel, as a fundamental factor that will help to strengthen the organisation's resources, undoubtedly the most important value of our company.
- To stand out for the rigour in meeting deadlines for the completion of the installations, avoiding problems of all kinds that force us to stop forcibly. In this sense, preventive maintenance of our infrastructures to achieve the minimum repairs is one of our objectives.
In order to carry out our policy and achieve our objective, the unconditional support of all the company's personnel is absolutely necessary, expressed through a firm and constant commitment to quality. This declaration is the faithful commitment of the Management of CANARYTRACK & ELECTRONICS to comply with the established requirements and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
-Fiscal year 2021:
Received in October 2021 the subsidy from the Directorate General for Economic Promotion - Exp- SUBPYMES2-11 (COVID aid plan), ordered by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Las Palmas de gran Canaria for an amount of 84,554.22€.
- Fiscal year 2023:
Received in 27th December 2023 a subsidie from Dirección General de Formación Profesional of the Canary Goberment, in accordance with the regulations established in the Order of May 31, 2023 for an amount of 3.489,50€